

Andrew: В последнее время только и слышу про дисквал, которые будут сыпаться как из рога изобилия :) Долго ковырялся по всяким ресурсам, пытаясь понять, откуда ноги растут. И как выяснилось, нет повода для переживаний :) Ни кто никого просто так, навсегда не сможет исключить из разведения :) 1)  http://rkf.org.ru/upload/documents/vestnik/01_12.pdf Статья Специализированное руководство «Специфические особенности пород», там перечислены общие проблемы co здоровьем собак , с которыми больше не хочет мириться FCI (скорее всего, с подачи зеленых, но это не принципиально), например:  Зубы Все собаки должны иметь здоровые зубы и прикус, соответствующий стандарту породы. Неправильно расположенные зубы, которые повредят верхнее или твeрдое нeбо являются дисквалифицирующим недостатком.  Так что за  инвертированные клыки, растущие в верхнее нeбо, теперь все породы иметь будут, и те, у кого это в стандарте дисквалифицирующий порок, и тех, у кого в стандарте про это ничего нет. А дальше там дана конкретная разблюдовка специфических проблем со здоровьем у примерно 60  пород, признанных "в зоне риска по здоровью".  За наличие специфических нехороших особенностей, характерных именно для этой для породы в зоне риска, будут теперь тоже бить по рукам. Не обязательно до дисквала дело дойдет, но титул не дадут собе "угрожаемой по здоровью".  И тут у всех пород все разное, у кого чего болит…  Мастифф Зоны повышенного риска: — избыточный вес (слишком грузная собака), слишком тяжелая голова, которую собака несeт низко — высокозадость, прямые коленные суставы, скошенный круп могут послужить причиной неправильных и искажeнных движений. Таким образом, особое внимание должно уделяться крепкому, здоровому экстерьеру, корпус должен быть крепким, костяк доста- точно тяжелым для того, чтобы гармонично поддерживать типичную для породы массивную голову. Движения здоровые, без диском- форта.  А у других пород за другое накажут. Специфической проблемой хохлатых признана нездоровая кожа, травмированная эпиляторами.  Китайская хохлатая Зоны повышенного риска — повреждения кожи, причиной кото- рых может быть вредное для здоровья и неприемлемое с точки зре- ния этики удаление волос, чтобы скрыть их наличие в нежелатель- ных местах. Таким образом, особое внимание должно быть уделено коже.  Так что за травмирующие нёбо клыки теперь дисквальнут и мастифа, и хохлатую, а мимо титула пролетят жирный высокозадый мастиф (но при этом никто по прежнему не станет особо пристально изучать, прыщавый он под шерстью, или не очень) и прыщавая золотушная хохлатая (но ей, в отличие от мастифа, как и раньше могут простить некоторый лишний вес).    2)  http://dogsbaikal.ru/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=426 Тут читать надо все, особое внимание обращать на посты pet-planet.ru , это Эксперт FCI Игорь Выгузов. Тут же приведено письмо про испанского мастифа Versache Tornado Erben, про которого писали на fb и от которого не регистрируют помет из-за полученного на выставке дисквала.  3)  http://wap.spanishmastif.forum24.ru/?1-0-0-00000002-000-0-0-1360690054 разъяснение по этому поводу Предидента НКП Испанский Мастиф после консультации в РКФ 4) Недопуск (или выбраковка из разведения) - на усмотрение "группы разбора полетов" РКФ. По каждому случаю - свое решение. Просто если раньше недопуск/выброковку соба получала после 3-х дисквалов в ринге (инициатива Александрова), а породы, подлежащие тестированию (кроме немцев, у них своя кухня), за 3 проваленных теста Т1/Т2, то теперь, по-ходу, уже после 1-го дисквала начинают разбираться.   

Ответов - 19, стр: 1 2 All

Andrew: Циркуляр FCI 50/2013 19.09.2013 ДОБАВЛЕНИЕ К МОДЕЛИ СТАНДАРТА На основании решений, принятых в Мадриде (февраль 2013) Генеральный комитет FCI одобрил следующие обязательные дополнения во все стандарты пород FCI, которые включаются в стандарт с пометкой «Nota Bene» – принять к сведению: • Кобели должны иметь два правильно развитых яичка, полностью опущенных в мошонку (эта фраза обязательна в каждом стандарте); • Только функционально и клинически здоровые собаки, с присущими конкретной породе характерными признаками, могут использоваться в разведении. К циркуляру прилагается модель стандарта с внесенными правками.

Andrew: если что, можно еще несколько раз быстро выставиться, получить пару раз разводные оценки (только лучше приличные, типа ЛПП, а не 26-е "отлично") и обратиться в РКФ. Дисквал скорее всего снимут, как необоснованный, но надо будет повторно подавать доки на регистрацию помета (если помет завернули). Ждать отмены довольно долго, но это все реально.

Elizabeth: Спасибо за информацию! ОФФ Andrew пишет: за 3 проваленных теста Т1/Т2  Это касается всех пород. Если собака трижды получает "-", то она закрывается РКФ для племенного использования. Другой вопрос, что Т1 (Т2) сдается по желанию... Знаю только, что у ВЕО без этого теста на моно выставках во взрослых классах (начиная с промежутка) не присваиваются сертификаты СС, КЧК, и тд.

Andrew: Весной этого года вновь соберется РАБОЧАЯ ГРУППА в Шведции, а это участники 30 стран. что бы доработать то что недоработанно :) Ну и могу сказать что они как-то слишком серьезно настроены :) В том числе перестать делить породы по типу, цвету шерсти и прочее :) Более того убрать уже недавно выведенные производные породы... В общем так очень большая повестка дня ... Я буду потихоньку ее выкладываьб ее сюда, если интересно ,) :)

Elizabeth: Конечно интересно.

Andrew: Ниже - то, откуда ноги растут у всех "дисквалов по здоровью", которые всё чаще выхватывают на выставках наши Интерчемпионы и из-за которых РКФ приостанавливает их использование в племенном разведении (соответственно, из-за которых не получают родословные щенки от этих произвоителей). Та самая пресловутая "Прогамма улучшения здоровья" FCI, на которую постоянно ссылаются, но которую мало кто в глаза видел. На самом деле это никакая не программа, а глобальный международный проект, касается не только собственно здоровья, и вовсе она не программа FCI, ФЦИ - только один из участников проекта. Но так или иначе, все это касается нас всех, нам с этим жить дальше независимо от того, нравится нам все это или нет (хотя по-честному - офигенный проект, если смогут вытянуть). Как известно, играть можно по любым правилам, главное - их знать… Скину сюда пока что английский вариант. Кто английским владеет - ОЧЕНЬ рекомендую не полениться и прочесть, чтиво мало того что крайне полезное, так еще и необыкновенно интересное. Ну, может не все подряд для всех интересно, но несомненно каждый что-то важное для себя найдет. Я, например, про генетические тесты просмотрела текст по диагонали, мне это до голубой звезды, но темы "возможность допуска межпородных вязок", "целесообразность признания сходных пород "вариациаями" и их объединения" и многие другие не оставили равнодушной. Может, в моем изложении это звучит чушью, но на самом деле это все далеко не так глупо, как может показаться на первый взгляд с моих слов . Ну и еще раз повторюсь - даже если мы все сейчас фыркнем: "Что за хрень", работы по проекту никто не свернет. Мы либо вовремя подстроимся, либо окажемся в глубокой *опе.

Andrew: The International Workshop on Enhancement of Genetic Health in Pedigree Dogs Dog Health Workshop SENAST UPPDATERAD DEN 21 OKTOBER 2013 The International Workshop on Enhancement of Genetic Health in Pedigree Dogs, the Dog Health Workshop, was for the first time organized in Stockholm June 2012. It provides an opportunity for various stakeholders to exchange experiences and views on dog genetic health. The overall aim is to boost the collaborative actions needed for a healthy, long term sustainable dog breeding. Outcome of the 1st Dog Health Workshop The first Dog Health Workshop attracted a wide range of stakeholders, such as geneticists, veterinarians, and representatives from cynological and animal welfare organizations. Seven key issues were addressed and proposals for its further handling were suggested by the 140 participants, representing 24 countries in different parts of the world. 2nd Dog Health Workshop 2015 
 Actions needed to enhance the genetic health in dogs were suggested and international working groups are now formed to pursue the work further. On February 14-15 2015 the German Kennel Club will arrange the second Dog Health Workshop in Dortmund to support the process. For additional information about the Dog Health Workshop and the latest news, please visit the website www.doghealthworkshop.com ______________

Andrew: General information SENAST UPPDATERAD DEN 25 NOVEMBER 2013 The 1st International Workshop on Enhancement of Genetic Health in Purebred Dogs, or the Dog Health Workshop 2012 which has become the common name for the event, was arranged by the Swedish Kennel Club, member of the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI), in Stockholm on June 2–3, 2012. Well attended workshop About 140 stakeholders from 24 countries that share a responsibility for dog health, such as geneticists, veterinarians and representatives from the cynological and animal welfare organizations, gathered in Stockholm to discuss key issues with relevance to canine genetic health. The organizing committee wishes to thank all participants for their valuable contributions and look forward to continue the international collaborations for improved canine genetic health. More info http://www.skk.se/Global/Dokument/Do...W%20131125.pdf Background • Health problems in pedigree dogs have received increased attention • Many initiatives are underway to examine issues at local, organizational, national, international and governmental levels • To move forward in the most effective and efficient way, coordinated and collaborative actions are needed to deal with existing and future issues influencing the health and well-being of dogs Main objectives of Dog Health Workshop • Providing an opportunity to exchange experiences and views on the enhancement of canine genetic health • Initiate a continuous international collaboration between various stakeholders that share a responsibility for dog health and welfare Top science news at Dog Health Workshop • Almost one third of the participants (mostly researchers in field of canine genetics) were also attending the 6th International Conference от Advances in Canin and Feline Genomics and Inherited Diseases during the week before in Visby, Sweden • Top science news and competence were thereby brought into the discussions of several issues related to canine genetic health Attending stakeholders • Kennel clubs (FCI and 15 national clubs) • Scientists/researchers • The veterinary profession • Foundations • Breed clubs and individual breeders • Animal welfare organizations • The pet industry • Authorities/legislative bodies Comments on attending stakeholders • The attendee represented a wide variety of competences related to the enhancement of canine genetic health • The cynological “world” was well represented by the FCI board and its Breeding, Standard and Scientific commissions and the presidents of several European kennel clubs including Professor Steve Dean, Chairman of the KC (UK) • Among numerous veterinarians, the OFA foundation and the AKC Canine Health Foundation was well represented by their board • International welfare organization were there Countries represented • 135 participants from 24 countries • Europe: 110 • North America: 18 • South America: 3 • Oceania: 4 Workshop outline Before the workshop • Material and references available online At the workshop • Seven key issues were introduced in plenum by appointed introducers • Each issue was discussed in specific sessions – Approx. 20 persons per group – Timefordiscussions:3.5h • The discussions were summarised and presented in plenum by appointed facilitators • Future perspectives were presented at the end of the workshop After the workshop • More extensive notes were prepared by especially appointed note takers Key issues • Prerequisites and procedures for recognition of breeds and varieties • Harmonisation of screening procedures and certifications • Validation and utilization of genetic tests in dog breeding • Interventions for anatomical soundness and avoidance of extreme phenotypes • Development of breed-specific breeding programmes • Selection for behavioural traits • Formation of platforms for collaborative efforts [/color] Workshop follow up • The presentations held by the introducers and facilitators have been made available at the workshop web page (www.doghealthworkshop.com) hosted by SKK • Based on presentations and extensive notes, the workshop organizers will 1. Propose strategies and actions to be taken for each issue 2. Have them ”circulated” to the participants 3. Have them ”posted” on the web page for the workshop __________________

Andrew: Prerequisites and procedures for recognition of breeds and varieties Proposal from workshop Stricter regulations for international recognition of breeds are strongly recommended with respect to genetic variation: • Separation of breed varieties (i.e., differences in colour, coat, size and function) by rules and regulations that do not allow interbreeding between the varieties should be counteracted • New breeds created out of already existing breeds should not be recognized • National varieties of already existing breeds should not be recognized as new breeds • Outline procedures for evaluation of the health status in dog populations • Outline procedures for how to apply molecular genetic tools for the evaluation of dog populations • An international databank for storage of molecular genetic material and data on individual breeds should be encouraged Achieved • New rules for recognition of breeds by FCI under preparation by its Scientific and Standard Commissions Harmonisation of screening procedures and certifications Proposal from workshop A working committee should be created to • initiate, harmonize and validate screening procedures • identify and prioritize issues to put in a database • suggest a uniform terminology for use in the database • inform, educate and motivate stakeholders • implement screening procedures and breeding programs in veterinary educations • initiate and harmonize web based health questionnaires for dog owners Validation and utilization of genetic tests in dog breeding Proposal from workshop • Outline procedures for technical validation of tests and testing laboratories for molecular genetic tests to be used in screening of dogs for breeding, including laboratory quality control and new test validation procedures • Outline recommendations for proper use of genetic tests in various populations, in close collaboration with kennel clubs and breed clubs • Create a site were the scientific community can comment on newly developed genetic tests • Establish uniform guidelines for sample and dog verification Achieved • A web resource on available DNA tests for canine hereditary diseases have been established by WSAVA http://research.vet.upenn.edu/Default.aspx?TabId=7620 Interventions for anatomical soundness and avoidance of extreme phenotypes Proposal from workshop The Cynological organizations are urged to review their • rules and regulations • breed standards • education of breeders • education and training of show judges in matters related to exhibition and evaluations of individuals to be selected for breeding Achieved • The Scandinavian kennel clubs have established a working group to coordinate Breed Specific Instructions (BSI) as a basis for further work within FCI and eventually also KC and AKC Development of breed-specific breeding programmes on national and international levels Proposal from workshop • National breed clubs are encouraged to create breed- specific breeding programs taking into account the health of individuals as well as size and structure of existing populations • The international and national cynological organizations are asked to assist in the creation of breed-specific programs on an international level • Development of education tools for breeders, judges, veterinarians etc. Achieved Ongoing discussions between SLU in Sweden, AgroParisTech in France and AHT in UK about possibilities for a joint PhD project on international genetic evaluations for improved health in dogs Selection for behavioural traits Proposal from workshop • The cynological organizations are suggested to take an initiative and support the creation of a working group to establish guidelines for terminology and evaluation of mental characteristics in dogs Achieved • Researcher at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) has taken on the role and the initial work is funded by SLU Formation of national and international platforms for collaborative efforts Proposal from workshop An international platform for collaboration should be assembled This group should • represent the common ground and shared goals of all key stakeholders • support and link the working groups from the Dog Health Workshop together • define the next steps necessary to establish an international platform for collaboration Achieved • Further discussions about international collaboration and creation of a platform have been held within FCI Further collaborations • Each issue called for further collaborations internationally as well as nationally • Each issue called for further collaborations between the cynological organisations, geneticists and veterinarians as well as with representatives for governmental bodies and welfare organisations • Further work on each of the issues is proposed to be lead by one stakeholder but also to involve the others Proposed leader of initial work The Cynological organisations are suggested to have the prime responsibility for • Prerequisites and procedures for recognition of breeds and varieties • Interventions for anatomical soundness and avoidance of extreme phenotypes • Development of breed-specific breeding programmes on national and international levels • Formation of national and international platforms for collaborative efforts The Veterinary profession is suggested to have the prime responsibility for • Harmonisation of screening procedures and certifications Geneticists are suggested to have the prime responsibility for • Validation and utilization of genetic tests in dog breeding The Swedish Kennel Club was asked at the workshop to host/take the prime responsibility for • The creation of a working group to establish guidelines for terminology and evaluation of Behavior characteristics in dogs Summing up At the summing up session several points worth to carry on further were indicated, for example: • The need for a web-based platform for exchange of information between stakeholders on an international basis was emphasized The proposed web-based platform for collaboration is closely related to The FCI Dog Health, Well-Being and Welfare Initiative that was described by Dr Brenda Bonnett in her introductory talk • The need for a working group and a clearing house to carry on the work was indicated for all the issues dealt with at the workshop A multidisciplinary and international body to govern and handle this was proposed The kennel clubs were indicated as initiators of such a process but collaboration with additional stakeholders is essential for its success Suggested coordinated efforts • The FCI Dog Health, Well-Being and Welfare Initiative • Follow ups of The 1st International workshop on Genetic Health in purebred Dogs Next Dog Health Workshop The 2d International Workshop on Enhancement of Genetic Health in Pedigree Dogs will be arranged in Dortmund, February 14-15 2015, by the German Kennel Club

Andrew: SENAST UPPDATERAD DEN 22 APRIL 2013 Health problems in pedigree dogs have recently been highlighted in the media worldwide and verified internationally by cynological organizations. Because breeding dogs are exchanged between countries, collaborative actions are now needed to deal with both existing and future issues concerning the health and welfare of dogs. Enhancement of canine genetic health Genetic variation Many of the major challenges in dog breeding are related to breeding in small populations, combined with a focus on morphological characteristics. Currently several hundred breeds are recognised by cynological organisations worldwide and new breeds and varieties of breeds, often with a small genetic pool, are frequently recognised. Strategies to achieve a balance between preserving homogenous and specific breed types and the need for strong selection for health, longevity and performance of dogs need to be developed. Breeding programmes For sustainable breeding of healthy dogs an overall breeding programme should be developed for each breed. These breeding programmes should consider the level of inbreeding, the genetic variation and all traits of importance (e.g., health, behaviour and appearance). These programmes need to be based on accurate information about the prospective breeding animal itself, as well as its relatives. The information about the health of individual dogs should be obtained from well validated screening programmes, based on phenotypes (i.e., hips, elbows, eyes, heart) or molecular genetic tests. Also records of dog conformation and results from dog behaviour assessment tests need to be used in the genetic evaluation to improve the function and welfare of dogs. International collaboration Increasing attention to and awareness of health problems in pedigree dogs has now to be followed by collaborative actions to evaluate and strategically counteract them. __________________

Andrew: Детали + "наглядная демонстрация" Тут более-менее детальная инфа по каждому из 7-ми пунктов проекта: предполагаемый план действий, кто за что отвечает, что уже сделали на промежуточном этапе + очень наглядные презентационные материалы: по каждому пункту два файта: основные вопросы-проблемы и резюме. pdf ссылки, скорее всего, тут по клику не откроются, надо открывать в отдельном окне. Key issues Recognition of breeds Prerequisites and procedures for recognition of breeds and varieties. Proposed actions The cynological organizations are urged to apply stricter regulations for international recognition of breeds. They are strongly recommended: - not to recognize new breeds created from already existing breeds, - not to recognize national varieties of already existing breeds as new breeds, - to counteract restrictions that prevent interbreeding across varieties based on colour, coat, size and function within breeds. Procedures for application of genetic tools for evaluation of populations to be considered for international recognition should be outlined in collaboration with geneticists. Furthermore, a common international databank for storage of molecular genetic material and data on individual breeds should be encouraged. Procedures for evaluation of the health status in populations to be considered for international recognition should be outlined in collaboration with the veterinarian profession. Proposed leader of initial work It is proposed that an international group representing various stakeholders appointed by FCI Standard and Scientific Commissions will take the lead in further addressing these issues. Achievements so far FCI Standard and Scientific commissions have started to outline proposals for new regulations for acceptance of new breeds including, e.g., molecular genetic testing of any population proposed to be recognized, as well as a questionnaire for surveying health status. The Swedish Kennel Club (SKK) has taken the initiative to assess the global number of dogs of various breeds. SENAST UPPDATERAD DEN 22 APRIL 2013 Prerequisites and procedures for recognition of breeds and varieties are important for maintaining genetic variation and thereby the health and vitality in dogs. Several different issues were addressed at the workshop and the presentations given are now available. Background To a greater extent than in any other domesticated mammalian species dogs have been sub-classified in breeds and varieties (defined by appearance, function etc.) and bred in closed populations because of rules and regulations more so than due to geographic isolation. The number of internationally recognized breeds and varieties has increased dramatically over the last decades. Recognition of new breeds and restrictions for breeding between varieties has commonly resulted in small population sizes which, in turn, has led to increased levels of inbreeding and in some breeds high prevalence of genetic disease. In fact, the entire global population size for many of the breeds is likely too small to enable long term sustainable breeding with respect to genetic variation. The procedures for recognition of breeds should be reviewed to maintain health and vitality in dogs. Issues addressed - How to avoid breeds being divided up by e.g. size, colour and coat? - Breeds versus varieties of the same breed. - Is it beneficial to make new breeds out of those already existing? - Are there alternatives to international recognition? - Could molecular genetic tools be used for guidance? Presentations from the workshop Introduction to recognition of breeds http://www.skk.se/Global/Dokument/Dog%20Health%20Workshop/Recognition%20of%20breeds%20-%20intro.pdf Summing up session for recognintion of breeds http://www.skk.se/Global/Dokument/Dog%20Health%20Workshop/Recognition%20of%20breeds%20-%20sum.pdf __________________

Andrew: Screening procedures Harmonization of screening procedures and certifications. Proposed actions The cynological and veterinary organizations are asked to create a working committee to: - list, harmonize and validate current and new screening procedures for genetic diseases, - identify and prioritize issues to put in a database for use in breeding and research, - suggest a uniform terminology/language/diagnostic codes for use in such a database, - inform, educate and motivate stakeholders, - implement screening procedures and breeding programmes in veterinary education, - initiate and harmonize web-based health questionnaires for dog owners to utilize their experiences of existing or emerging problems within a breed. This work should be done in close collaboration with international and national representatives for the veterinary profession, geneticists, epidemiologists and other specialists within the field. Proposed leader of initial work It is proposed that an international group representing various stakeholders appointed by FCI Scientific Commissions, in collaboration with the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) Hereditary Diseases Committee takes the lead in further processing of these issues. Achievements so far The scientific commission of FCI as a starting point have prepared a list and abbreviations in 4 languages for hereditary diseases for which there are current screening programmes. SENAST UPPDATERAD DEN 22 APRIL 2013Harmonization of screening procedures and certifications are important for progress in reducing genetic diseases in dogs. Several different issues were addressed at the workshop and the presentations given are now available. Background In order to monitor and control the incidence of hereditary diseases in pedigree dogs, further development of screening procedures is important. Screening programmes are commonly initiated because of a perceived or known prevalence of a specific condition within a breed or breeds, often noted and brought to attention by veterinary specialists. Currently, phenotypic records from physical exams or diagnostic procedures, e.g., radiographs, as well as results from molecular genetic tests are registered for a variety of canine diseases. Traditionally, the results from screening programmes are certified nationally and evaluation or comparison of breeding dogs from different countries is difficult because of variation in screening procedures, language barriers etc. Information about the prevalence, inheritance and genetics of diseases for which screening procedures are developed/ implemented and, furthermore, the screening procedures themselves may not be appropriately evaluated in terms of accuracy, validity, or cost benefit. Development and harmonization of screening procedures are important for progress in reducing genetic disease and improving dog health. Issues adressed - Screening versus diagnosing clinical entities. - Do we use a terminology in common? - Harmonisation of guidelines for diagnostic criteria and validation. - Could registries be integrated? - International certificates issued by whom? - Guidelines for evaluation of screening programmes. Presentations from the workshop Introduction to screening procedures http://www.skk.se/Global/Dokument/Do...0-%20intro.pdf Summing up session for screening procedures http://www.skk.se/Global/Dokument/Do...%20-%20sum.pdf __________________

Andrew: Genetic tests Validation and utilization of genetic tests in dog breeding. Proposed actions Scientists in the field of population and molecular genetics, in close collaboration with the cynological organizations and the veterinary profession, are asked to: - outline procedures for technical validation of tests and testing laboratories for molecular genetic tests to be used in screening of dogs intended for breeding including laboratory quality control and new test validation procedures, - create a site where the scientific community can comment on newly developed genetic tests, - establish uniform guidelines for sample and dog verification, - outline guidelines for the proper usage of genetic tests in various populations. Proposed leader of initial work It is proposed that an international expert panel, consisting of scientists in the field of population and molecular genetics, is established to take the lead in further processing of these issues. The group should be appointed by FCI Scientific Commission in collaboration with the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) Hereditary Diseases Committee. Achievements so far As a base for this work the WSAVA Hereditary Diseases Committee has established a web-based information resource on available laboratories and molecular genetic tests for dogs and cats http://www.wsava.org/guidelines/hereditarydiseases. SENAST UPPDATERAD DEN 22 APRIL 2013 Procedures for validation and utilization of genetic tests in dog breeding need to be developed to make sure they are used properly. Several different issues were addressed at the workshop and the presentations given are now available. Background Developments within the field of molecular genetics have made genetic tests for a large number of traits available to the public. Besides tests for simple recessive traits, an increasing number of tests are identifying genes that affect conditions with a more complex nature, such as cancer, diabetes and various autoimmune diseases. These tests detect "genetic risk factors" that affect or predict an individual's risk of developing the disease. Procedures for validation of genetic tests, technically, as applied to an individual, as well as concerning their application to various populations, are not standardized and too often tests may be launched even in the absence of crucial information. Issues addressed - What are the potentials and risks with an abundance of genetic tests? - Who should validate a test and how? - Utilization of genetic tests in dog breeding requires strategies. Prepared by whom? - Is there a cost/benefit aspect to consider? Presentations from the workshop Introduction to genetic tests http://www.skk.se/Global/Dokument/Do...0-%20intro.pdf Summing up session for genetic tests http://www.skk.se/Global/Dokument/Do...%20-%20sum.pdf __________________

Andrew: Anatomical soundness Interventions for anatomical soundness and avoidance of extreme phenotypes. Proposed actions The Cynological organizations, in close collaboration with representatives for the veterinary profession and geneticists, are urged to review their: - rules and regulations, - breed standards, - education and training of show judges. Proposed leader of initial work It is proposed that an international group representing various stakeholders appointed by FCI Standard and Scientific Commissions takes the lead in further processing of these issues. Achievements so far The Scandinavian kennel clubs have established a working group to coordinate Breed Specific Instructions (BSI) for show judges as a basis for further work within FCI. SENAST UPPDATERAD DEN 22 APRIL 2013 Interventions for anatomical soundness and avoidance of extreme phenotypes are needed to preserve breed-specific appearance and, at the same time improve the health and welfare of dogs. Several different issues were addressed at the workshop and the presentations given are now available. Background The great variety in morphological features of the canine species has supported development of extremes in phenotypes. Unfortunate interpretations of or lack of adherence to breed standards, fads and fashion have, in some breeds, resulted in selection of breeding stock with an exaggerated and extreme phenotype. These extreme anatomical features in progenitors and their resulting offspring have repeatedly been shown to be related to a variety of health problems, sometimes so severe as to render individuals physically incapable of work or causing them great suffering in their everyday life. Thus, it is necessary to stress the anatomical soundness of potential breeding dogs. Achieving a balance between preservation of breed-specific appearance and, at the same time improved health is a challenge that requires collaboration between all stakeholders. Issues addressed - Defining the role of judges, veterinarians, breeders and the cynological organisations. - How can selection be changed to avoid extreme phenotypes? - Measures for training of judges. - Are breed crosses needed to solve acute health problems related to extreme phenotypes in some breeds? Presentations from the workshop Introduction to anatomical soundness http://www.skk.se/Global/Dokument/Do...0-%20intro.pdf Summing up session for anatomical soundness http://www.skk.se/Global/Dokument/Do...%20-%20sum.pdf __________________

Andrew: Breeding programmes Development of breed-specific breeding programmes on national and international levels. Proposed actions National breed clubs are encouraged to create breed-specific breeding programmes taking into account the physical and mental health of individuals as well as size and structure of existing populations. The international and national cynological organizations are asked to assist in the creation of breed-specific breeding programmes on an international level, and to investigate the possibilities for exchange of information enabling genetic evaluations on an international basis. Proposed leader of initial work It is proposed that an international group representing various stakeholders appointed by FCI Scientific Commission takes the lead in further processing of these issues. Achievements so far A pilot study on opportunities for international collaboration in dog breeding by sharing of pedigree and health data, has been performed by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), the Swedish Kennel club (SKK) and the Animal Health Trust, UK. Discussions about possibilities for a joint French, British and Swedish project on international genetic evaluations for the improvement of genetic health in dogs have been initiated. SENAST UPPDATERAD DEN 22 APRIL 2013 Development of breed-specific breeding programmes on national and international levels, considering all traits of importance, is necessary because of the great variation between breeds. Several different issues were addressed at the workshop and the presentations given are now available. Background Canine breeding programmes have mainly focused on controlling specific diseases that occur in the dog populations. There is, however, a great variation in the prevalence and relative importance of various diseases across breeds that must be considered in the identification of priorities. This calls for development of breed-specific breeding programmes. As health is not the only trait of importance in dogs the development of broad breeding goals that simultaneously consider all essential traits in the specific breed (e.g., health, behaviour and appearance) is essential. Furthermore, the population structure and genetic variation within the breed need to be considered. Because of the international exchange of breeding stock, international as well as national breed-specific breeding programmes should be encouraged. Issues addressed - The role of national and international stakeholders. - Who is in charge? - Possibilities for exchange of information and harmonisation of breeding programmes. - Data available for genetic evaluations. Presentations from the workshop Introduction to breeding programmes http://www.skk.se/Global/Dokument/Do...0-%20intro.pdf Summing up session for breeding programmes http://www.skk.se/Global/Dokument/Do...%20-%20sum.pdf ____

Andrew: __Behavioural traits Selection for behavioural characteristics. Proposed actions The cynological organizations are suggested to take an initiative and support the creation of a working group to establish guidelines for terminology and evaluation of behaviour characteristics in dogs. Proposed leader of initial work It is proposed that a group appointed by the Swedish Kennel Club (SKK) takes the lead in further processing of these issues. Achievements so far The SKK has appointed researchers at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) to create a working group that should pursue these issues further. SENAST UPPDATERAD DEN 22 APRIL 2013 Selection for behavioural characteristics is important to improve the working ability of dogs and, to give the dogs the best chance to fit into the human society. Several different issues were addressed at the workshop and the presentations given are now available. Background Selection for performance and behaviour was the driving force for domestication and is still of utmost importance. Traditionally, dogs have been selected for desired behavioural characteristics, such as hunting or guarding ability. Today, the desired behaviour is more complex due to the dogs' additional role as a companion animal, and dogs are to a great extent euthanized due to behavioural characteristics that are not accepted in the human society of today. Improvement of dog behaviour requires strategies for definition, measuring and registration of the traits of interest. Currently, testing for desired as well as undesired behaviour is performed in many countries but the assessment schemes as well as the interpretation differ. Issues addressed - Desired versus undesired traits. - Available tests for dog behaviour. - How to measure behaviour for selection purposes. - Heritability of behavioural and functional traits in dogs. - Is there a need for education of the public, current and prospective dog owners of breed-differences in behaviour traits? Presentations from the workshop Introduction to behavioural traits http://www.skk.se/Global/Dokument/Do...0-%20intro.pdf Summing up session for behavioural traits http://www.skk.se/Global/Dokument/Do...%20-%20sum.pdf __

Andrew: Collaborative efforts Formation of national and international platforms for collaborative efforts. Proposed actions An international platform for collaboration is highly desirable and great efforts should be made to achieve this. A group that represents key stakeholders (e.g., cynological organisations, the veterinary profession, geneticists, and welfare organizations) should be assembled. This group should: - represent the common ground and shared goals of the stakeholders, - support and link the working groups from the Dog Health Workshop together, - define the next steps necessary to establish an international platform for collaboration. Proposed leader of initial work It is proposed that a group appointed by FCI, the Kennel Club (UK) and the Swedish Kennel Club, together with representatives from the US, takes the lead in further processing of this issue. Achievements so far The proposal about development of an online information network, presented at the Dog Health Workshop, has been further processed by a working group within FCI. FCI has given the Swedish Kennel Club the mandate to pursue the project further. SENAST UPPDATERAD DEN 14 AUGUSTI 2013 Formation of national and international platforms for collaborative efforts is needed to coordinate the work currently done and to make future work as effective as possible. Several different issues were addressed at the workshop and the presentations given are now available. Background Various actions are taken worldwide to decrease the prevalence of inherited disorders in pedigree dogs. Because of the increasing exchange of dogs between countries, there is a considerable need for coordination, compilation and critical evaluation of the information available. Currently, several organisations/networks for international collaboration exist, such as FCI. However, a broader platform with the ambition to bring all countries and stakeholders involved in dog health together is lacking. One challenge is the diverse interests and level of advancements by stakeholders at national and international levels. Development of platforms for collaboration on a national level is fundamental for success of a more extensive international collaboration on information resources and breeding guidelines. Furthermore, the outcome needs to be properly communicated to the public to achieve sustainable dog breeding in the future. Issues addressed Who are the stakeholders and what are their areas of responsibility?
How to initiate and maintain collaborative efforts by the veterinary profession, governmental authorities, welfare and cynological organisations?
What are the main challenges and opportunities for international collaboration?
What are the most effective techniques and tools to support collaboration?
What are major resource challenges and innovative ways of funding?
Is there a need to more widely address the health and welfare of all dogs, not only pedigreed dogs, especially as the percentages of dogs being purebred and registered is small in many countries? Presentations from the workshop Introduction to collaborative efforts http://www.skk.se/Global/Dokument/Do...0-%20intro.pdf Summing up session for collaborative efforts http://www.skk.se/Global/Dokument/Do...%20-%20sum.pdf __

Andrew: Ну и все то же самое вкратце для тех, кто пользуется Google переводчиком Это рано или поздно коснется, возможно, не всех, но точно многих. Я понимаю, что тут реально много буковок и лениво, но я бы не поленилась перевести и прочесть хотя бы это. И уж потом решайте сами, надо ли вникать в детали, опубликованные выше. Все-таки предупрежден - значит не совсем с голой попой, когда гром грянет Одним словом, удачи нам всем. Жалко только, что никто нам этого не сообщил 2 года назад И ТОГО: Action plan for enhancement of genetic health in dogs – proposed by FCI and other international stakeholders at the Dog Health Workshop An international action plan for increased health and well-being in pedigree dogs have been compiled in collaboration between FCI and other cynological organisations, geneticists, veterinarians and welfare organisations. The proposals were developed at the 1st International Workshop on Enhancement of Genetic Health in Pedigree Dogs in Sweden in 2012, commonly referred to as the Dog Health Workshop. FCI was well represented at the workshop and have been appointed to lead the work on several key issues. Representatives from the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) and the Swedish Kennel Club (SKK) were asked to take the lead concerning other important issues. Working groups, representing different stakeholders, will now be formed to carry the suggested actions from the workshop forward. Dog Health Workshop 2012 The 1st International Workshop on Enhancement of Genetic Health in Pedigree Dogs, or the Dog Health Workshop 2012 which has become the common name for the event, was arranged by the Swedish Kennel Club in Stockholm on June 2–3, 2012. The overall aims of this workshop series are to provide an opportunity to exchange experiences and views on the enhancement of canine genetic health and to create an international platform for various stakeholders, e.g., geneticists, veterinarians and representatives from cynological and animal welfare organisations. About 150 stakeholders from 24 countries attended the Dog Health Workshop 2012. FCI was exemplary one of the most represented organisations. The board was represented by Kari Järvinen and Marie Luna Durán represented the General Secretariat. The Breeding Commission, the Scientific Commission and the Standards Commission were all well represented and Zeev Trainin from the Scientific Commission successfully lead one of the workshop sessions. A major challenge stressed by the workshop participants was the urgent need to increase the collaboration between different stakeholders and countries. Seven key issues with relevance for the genetic health in dogs were discussed in detail and prioritised actions that need to be taken were compiled. Suggested actions The participants at the Dog Health Workshop 2012 suggested the following actions to enhance the genetic health in dogs. Recognition of breeds and varieties Stricter regulations for international recognition of breeds shall be developed. Harmonisation of screening procedures New screening procedures need to be initiated and existing procedures shall be harmonised and validated. Genetic tests Procedures for technical validation of DNA-tests and testing laboratories and recommendations for proper use of DNA-tests in different populations shall be outlined. Anatomical soundness Regulations and breed standards shall be reviewed, and the education of breeders and show judges need to be developed to avoid extreme phenotypes. Breed-specific breeding programmes Breed-specific breeding programmes shall be developed on national and international level. Selection for behavioural characteristics Guidelines for terminology and evaluation of mental characters in dogs shall be established. Platforms for collaborative efforts An international platform for collaboration between different stakeholders interested in, and responsible for, dog health and welfare shall be developed. Work in progress Work has already been initiated internationally within all seven issues but a major effort is now needed to boost the process. Working groups are therefore created to pursuing this work. Dog Health Workshop 2015 The 2nd International Workshop on Enhancement of Genetic Health in Pedigree Dogs will be arranged by the German Kennel Club in Dortmund on February 14-15 2015 Get informed and become involved! Detailed presentations of the suggested actions, continuous information about achievements made within these subject areas and information about the upcoming Dog Health Workshop are presented on the workshop webpage:

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