

Andrew: В последнее время только и слышу про дисквал, которые будут сыпаться как из рога изобилия :) Долго ковырялся по всяким ресурсам, пытаясь понять, откуда ноги растут. И как выяснилось, нет повода для переживаний :) Ни кто никого просто так, навсегда не сможет исключить из разведения :) 1)  http://rkf.org.ru/upload/documents/vestnik/01_12.pdf Статья Специализированное руководство «Специфические особенности пород», там перечислены общие проблемы co здоровьем собак , с которыми больше не хочет мириться FCI (скорее всего, с подачи зеленых, но это не принципиально), например:  Зубы Все собаки должны иметь здоровые зубы и прикус, соответствующий стандарту породы. Неправильно расположенные зубы, которые повредят верхнее или твeрдое нeбо являются дисквалифицирующим недостатком.  Так что за  инвертированные клыки, растущие в верхнее нeбо, теперь все породы иметь будут, и те, у кого это в стандарте дисквалифицирующий порок, и тех, у кого в стандарте про это ничего нет. А дальше там дана конкретная разблюдовка специфических проблем со здоровьем у примерно 60  пород, признанных "в зоне риска по здоровью".  За наличие специфических нехороших особенностей, характерных именно для этой для породы в зоне риска, будут теперь тоже бить по рукам. Не обязательно до дисквала дело дойдет, но титул не дадут собе "угрожаемой по здоровью".  И тут у всех пород все разное, у кого чего болит…  Мастифф Зоны повышенного риска: — избыточный вес (слишком грузная собака), слишком тяжелая голова, которую собака несeт низко — высокозадость, прямые коленные суставы, скошенный круп могут послужить причиной неправильных и искажeнных движений. Таким образом, особое внимание должно уделяться крепкому, здоровому экстерьеру, корпус должен быть крепким, костяк доста- точно тяжелым для того, чтобы гармонично поддерживать типичную для породы массивную голову. Движения здоровые, без диском- форта.  А у других пород за другое накажут. Специфической проблемой хохлатых признана нездоровая кожа, травмированная эпиляторами.  Китайская хохлатая Зоны повышенного риска — повреждения кожи, причиной кото- рых может быть вредное для здоровья и неприемлемое с точки зре- ния этики удаление волос, чтобы скрыть их наличие в нежелатель- ных местах. Таким образом, особое внимание должно быть уделено коже.  Так что за травмирующие нёбо клыки теперь дисквальнут и мастифа, и хохлатую, а мимо титула пролетят жирный высокозадый мастиф (но при этом никто по прежнему не станет особо пристально изучать, прыщавый он под шерстью, или не очень) и прыщавая золотушная хохлатая (но ей, в отличие от мастифа, как и раньше могут простить некоторый лишний вес).    2)  http://dogsbaikal.ru/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=426 Тут читать надо все, особое внимание обращать на посты pet-planet.ru , это Эксперт FCI Игорь Выгузов. Тут же приведено письмо про испанского мастифа Versache Tornado Erben, про которого писали на fb и от которого не регистрируют помет из-за полученного на выставке дисквала.  3)  http://wap.spanishmastif.forum24.ru/?1-0-0-00000002-000-0-0-1360690054 разъяснение по этому поводу Предидента НКП Испанский Мастиф после консультации в РКФ 4) Недопуск (или выбраковка из разведения) - на усмотрение "группы разбора полетов" РКФ. По каждому случаю - свое решение. Просто если раньше недопуск/выброковку соба получала после 3-х дисквалов в ринге (инициатива Александрова), а породы, подлежащие тестированию (кроме немцев, у них своя кухня), за 3 проваленных теста Т1/Т2, то теперь, по-ходу, уже после 1-го дисквала начинают разбираться.   

Ответов - 19, стр: 1 2 All

Andrew: __Behavioural traits Selection for behavioural characteristics. Proposed actions The cynological organizations are suggested to take an initiative and support the creation of a working group to establish guidelines for terminology and evaluation of behaviour characteristics in dogs. Proposed leader of initial work It is proposed that a group appointed by the Swedish Kennel Club (SKK) takes the lead in further processing of these issues. Achievements so far The SKK has appointed researchers at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) to create a working group that should pursue these issues further. SENAST UPPDATERAD DEN 22 APRIL 2013 Selection for behavioural characteristics is important to improve the working ability of dogs and, to give the dogs the best chance to fit into the human society. Several different issues were addressed at the workshop and the presentations given are now available. Background Selection for performance and behaviour was the driving force for domestication and is still of utmost importance. Traditionally, dogs have been selected for desired behavioural characteristics, such as hunting or guarding ability. Today, the desired behaviour is more complex due to the dogs' additional role as a companion animal, and dogs are to a great extent euthanized due to behavioural characteristics that are not accepted in the human society of today. Improvement of dog behaviour requires strategies for definition, measuring and registration of the traits of interest. Currently, testing for desired as well as undesired behaviour is performed in many countries but the assessment schemes as well as the interpretation differ. Issues addressed - Desired versus undesired traits. - Available tests for dog behaviour. - How to measure behaviour for selection purposes. - Heritability of behavioural and functional traits in dogs. - Is there a need for education of the public, current and prospective dog owners of breed-differences in behaviour traits? Presentations from the workshop Introduction to behavioural traits http://www.skk.se/Global/Dokument/Do...0-%20intro.pdf Summing up session for behavioural traits http://www.skk.se/Global/Dokument/Do...%20-%20sum.pdf __

Andrew: Collaborative efforts Formation of national and international platforms for collaborative efforts. Proposed actions An international platform for collaboration is highly desirable and great efforts should be made to achieve this. A group that represents key stakeholders (e.g., cynological organisations, the veterinary profession, geneticists, and welfare organizations) should be assembled. This group should: - represent the common ground and shared goals of the stakeholders, - support and link the working groups from the Dog Health Workshop together, - define the next steps necessary to establish an international platform for collaboration. Proposed leader of initial work It is proposed that a group appointed by FCI, the Kennel Club (UK) and the Swedish Kennel Club, together with representatives from the US, takes the lead in further processing of this issue. Achievements so far The proposal about development of an online information network, presented at the Dog Health Workshop, has been further processed by a working group within FCI. FCI has given the Swedish Kennel Club the mandate to pursue the project further. SENAST UPPDATERAD DEN 14 AUGUSTI 2013 Formation of national and international platforms for collaborative efforts is needed to coordinate the work currently done and to make future work as effective as possible. Several different issues were addressed at the workshop and the presentations given are now available. Background Various actions are taken worldwide to decrease the prevalence of inherited disorders in pedigree dogs. Because of the increasing exchange of dogs between countries, there is a considerable need for coordination, compilation and critical evaluation of the information available. Currently, several organisations/networks for international collaboration exist, such as FCI. However, a broader platform with the ambition to bring all countries and stakeholders involved in dog health together is lacking. One challenge is the diverse interests and level of advancements by stakeholders at national and international levels. Development of platforms for collaboration on a national level is fundamental for success of a more extensive international collaboration on information resources and breeding guidelines. Furthermore, the outcome needs to be properly communicated to the public to achieve sustainable dog breeding in the future. Issues addressed Who are the stakeholders and what are their areas of responsibility?
How to initiate and maintain collaborative efforts by the veterinary profession, governmental authorities, welfare and cynological organisations?
What are the main challenges and opportunities for international collaboration?
What are the most effective techniques and tools to support collaboration?
What are major resource challenges and innovative ways of funding?
Is there a need to more widely address the health and welfare of all dogs, not only pedigreed dogs, especially as the percentages of dogs being purebred and registered is small in many countries? Presentations from the workshop Introduction to collaborative efforts http://www.skk.se/Global/Dokument/Do...0-%20intro.pdf Summing up session for collaborative efforts http://www.skk.se/Global/Dokument/Do...%20-%20sum.pdf __

Andrew: Ну и все то же самое вкратце для тех, кто пользуется Google переводчиком Это рано или поздно коснется, возможно, не всех, но точно многих. Я понимаю, что тут реально много буковок и лениво, но я бы не поленилась перевести и прочесть хотя бы это. И уж потом решайте сами, надо ли вникать в детали, опубликованные выше. Все-таки предупрежден - значит не совсем с голой попой, когда гром грянет Одним словом, удачи нам всем. Жалко только, что никто нам этого не сообщил 2 года назад И ТОГО: Action plan for enhancement of genetic health in dogs – proposed by FCI and other international stakeholders at the Dog Health Workshop An international action plan for increased health and well-being in pedigree dogs have been compiled in collaboration between FCI and other cynological organisations, geneticists, veterinarians and welfare organisations. The proposals were developed at the 1st International Workshop on Enhancement of Genetic Health in Pedigree Dogs in Sweden in 2012, commonly referred to as the Dog Health Workshop. FCI was well represented at the workshop and have been appointed to lead the work on several key issues. Representatives from the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) and the Swedish Kennel Club (SKK) were asked to take the lead concerning other important issues. Working groups, representing different stakeholders, will now be formed to carry the suggested actions from the workshop forward. Dog Health Workshop 2012 The 1st International Workshop on Enhancement of Genetic Health in Pedigree Dogs, or the Dog Health Workshop 2012 which has become the common name for the event, was arranged by the Swedish Kennel Club in Stockholm on June 2–3, 2012. The overall aims of this workshop series are to provide an opportunity to exchange experiences and views on the enhancement of canine genetic health and to create an international platform for various stakeholders, e.g., geneticists, veterinarians and representatives from cynological and animal welfare organisations. About 150 stakeholders from 24 countries attended the Dog Health Workshop 2012. FCI was exemplary one of the most represented organisations. The board was represented by Kari Järvinen and Marie Luna Durán represented the General Secretariat. The Breeding Commission, the Scientific Commission and the Standards Commission were all well represented and Zeev Trainin from the Scientific Commission successfully lead one of the workshop sessions. A major challenge stressed by the workshop participants was the urgent need to increase the collaboration between different stakeholders and countries. Seven key issues with relevance for the genetic health in dogs were discussed in detail and prioritised actions that need to be taken were compiled. Suggested actions The participants at the Dog Health Workshop 2012 suggested the following actions to enhance the genetic health in dogs. Recognition of breeds and varieties Stricter regulations for international recognition of breeds shall be developed. Harmonisation of screening procedures New screening procedures need to be initiated and existing procedures shall be harmonised and validated. Genetic tests Procedures for technical validation of DNA-tests and testing laboratories and recommendations for proper use of DNA-tests in different populations shall be outlined. Anatomical soundness Regulations and breed standards shall be reviewed, and the education of breeders and show judges need to be developed to avoid extreme phenotypes. Breed-specific breeding programmes Breed-specific breeding programmes shall be developed on national and international level. Selection for behavioural characteristics Guidelines for terminology and evaluation of mental characters in dogs shall be established. Platforms for collaborative efforts An international platform for collaboration between different stakeholders interested in, and responsible for, dog health and welfare shall be developed. Work in progress Work has already been initiated internationally within all seven issues but a major effort is now needed to boost the process. Working groups are therefore created to pursuing this work. Dog Health Workshop 2015 The 2nd International Workshop on Enhancement of Genetic Health in Pedigree Dogs will be arranged by the German Kennel Club in Dortmund on February 14-15 2015 Get informed and become involved! Detailed presentations of the suggested actions, continuous information about achievements made within these subject areas and information about the upcoming Dog Health Workshop are presented on the workshop webpage:

tascha: Andrew Очень интересно! Вот только жаль, что у меня английский очень слабенько(( ощущение, что теряю в понимании важную часть

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